Chiropractic treatment

Take Advantage of Our Comprehensive Chiropractic Services

Insurance Coverage

We are in network with most insurance plans. Please call your insurance company to verify that M. Casey Chiro Care LLC is in network with your plan and to verify benefits. At M. Casey Chiro Care LLC we will call your insurance to verify benefits. This is not a guarantee of payment by your insurance company. Any co-payment or non-covered service must be paid for at the time of service.

Auto Accident or Personal Injury and Workers Compensation

When inquiring about an appointment please mention that you were involved in an accident so our staff can better serve you. Please inform your insurance carrier of the accident. If you have obtained an attorney to represent you please inform our front desk staff. You are ultimately responsible for your bill, it is best to keep our staff informed of who we need to bill.


Dr. Casey accepts Medicare patients. Please keep in mind that Medicare only covers spinal manipulations. They will not cover an exam or x-ray done by a chiropractor. We offer discounted prices for non-covered services. Medicare will only cover 80% of the spinal manipulations, you are responsible for the 20%. If secondary insurance is involved they may cover the 20%. Please note, there is a difference between Medicare, Medicare supplement plans and Medicare replacement policies.

Secondary Insurance

If you have secondary insurance please let a staff member know.

Un-insured or Non-covered Services

M. Casey Chiro Care LLC offers a generous discount to services that are not covered by insurances or if you chose not to use your insurance. The discount will only apply if the balance is paid at the time of service.

What to expect on your first visit

Typically your first visit can take anywhere from an hour to two hours. Please make sure you have enough time available for the first appointment. We will ask that you print off the new patient paperwork or stop in the office to pick up the paperwork before your appointment. We do not schedule time for you to fill out the paperwork.


The office staff will ask you questions about your condition. To better inform Dr. Casey on what is going on. Dr. Casey will then ask in more detail about your health history. If she determines that chiropractic care would be a benefit to your health she will perform an exam. From what she finds in the exam, she will then determine if she needs to take x-rays. If Dr. Casey does take x-rays she will go over, in detail what she sees. Dr. Casey will adjust you on your first visit. 

Health coverage insurance form

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